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CDE Research Animations (2023)

Effective Communication

Tired of research papers? Not an expert in the field and struggle to understand this groundbreaking discovery that everyone is talking about? The Hub recognises the need to more effectively communicate complex research to wider audiences — through an ongoing series of explainer videos, we are helping to make research from the NUS College of Design and Engineering more accessible to the masses, while increasing engagement for their respective papers. 


An Innovative 'Biological Camera'

This explainer video takes on a flat corporate vector illustrated style with dynamic animations, engaging audiences with digestible information.


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Unexpected Benefits of Loss & Noise

With bright colours and illustrations, the animation breaks down the scientific phenomenon that drives this new wearable sensor.


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Plastic Roads

Growing mounds of plastic waste are one of the world’s biggest environmental challenges — this animation showcases new ways to recycle plastic waste to develop new types of road surfaces.


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